Please be reminded of an archdiocesan regulation still in effect with regard to the reading of prayer intentions for Masses.
There is no moral orliturgical obligationto read the prayer intentions before the Eucharist or during the General Intercessions. It is sufficient that the Mass presider knows of such intentions which he can signify by signing a book in the sacristy. That the Mass presider has the will to offer the Mass, remembering those who have asked for prayers, is sufficient. It is not necessary to have the names read out publicly before Mass.
In the event that the priest judges it to be pastorally advisableto read the names of those wish to be prayed for during the Mass, the following norms must be observed. Please note that the reading of prayer intentions is only TOLERATED but should not be the norm.
The prayer intentions must be divided only into three categories namely: special need, thanksgiving and prayers for the dead.The following template is to be used:
Good morning/Good evening brothers and sisters in Christ. Welcome to the celebration of the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Our parish community requests you to pray for the special intentions of our brothers and sisters. They are: N N N
We also request you to join our brothers and sisters in their thanksgiving prayers for blessings received from the Lord. They are: N.N.N.
Finally let us pray for our departed loved ones N.N.N.
Let us bow down our heads in silence and recognize the presence of the Lord in His holy temple. (Brief silence) Please stand to sing the entrance song.
Following a Church tradition naming Christians by their baptismal names, only the FIRST NAMESof those who request for prayers are to be mentioned. Professional titles and positions in government service are not to be included. It is inappropriate to say the name of the person and include “and family”.
The names of those who offered prayers for others are NOTto be mentioned such “lapag offered by….” or “birthday prayers offered by…”
Please exercise pastoral prudence in using the term
Mass intentions. As a rule, there must only be one Mass intention per Mass. In our pastoral context, we accept requests from the Catholic faithful that their intentions be offered during the Mass knowing that they share the privilege with other members of the Catholic faithful. Please observe the ceiling amount that a priest may receive for the celebration of Masses which is PhP8,000.00 per month. The excess Mass offerings are to be added to the parish pastoral fund and not for the personal funds of the priest or church constructions. This is to avoid any semblance of trafficking or trading of the Mass.
Let us always choose liturgical order and observe pastoral discipline on this ecclesial concern. Thank you for your fraternal obedience.
Sincerely yours,
Archbishop of Lingayen Dagupan