1. BEC IS A NEW WAY OF BEING CHURCH. It is a concrete expression of the church of the poor, where the empowerment of the laity is emphasized towards a participatory church In the demands for renewal, Basic Ecclesial Communities are a must. In this small Christian communities change and renewal are experienced It is in this new way of being church that communion and empowerment first take place (Bacolod Diocesan Synod II, acts, par. 207).
A feature which is especially proper to the BEC is the participation of the laity in Ecclesial decisions, in assuming responsibilities for evangelization, catechists and the life of worship while at the same time being integrated in the social, political and economic situation of the environment with the intention of converting the people by the force of the Gospel Moreover, they lead the mobilization of people without power in either society or the church, the people on the prince, the linle people the forgotten, the poor (BEC: The Stand of Third World Bishops, 1983).
2. BEC Building is an approach to re structure and re-organize the traditional concept of the Church as a parish into smaller communities allowing people to participate fully and actively in the affairs of the Church
"In some areas, a form of Christian community living has developed which is termed as Basic Christian Community these small communities operating at a still lower level than the parish allowing for even deeper human and Christian fellowship are the most fundamental ecclesial realities (Federation of Asian Bishops Conference, Colloquium on Ministries, 1977).
3. BEC is a communion of families who are united to each other not only by local proximity but more importantly by spiritual bonds, namely Word of God, the Eucharistic prayer, mutual help and services, common celebration and link to each other closely. The member of the BEC's is open to other families Christ is represented in a special way by a community leader who has been accepted or elected by the community "As Pope John Paul II observes, it is through the family that the History of Salvation of the Church is wrought And again, he points out, the future of evangelization rests in great part of this church in the home Called to reach out to its neighborhood and beyond, the family becomes a true foundation for Basic Ecclesial Communities" (PCP 11 Conciliar Document, par. 421).
"They are small communities of Christians usually of families who gather together around the word of God and the Eucharist. This commenities are united to their pastory bround the word of Guadered to by kapilyon the me but also their each other by name and share not only the Word of God and the Eucharist but also their concerns both materul share not only the Wade a strong sense of belongings), and of responsibility for al another (Bacolod Diocesan Synod II, acts, par 205).
4 BEC is a community of faith that takes up the cause of thetr (Diocesan Synod II, J HEC a forum and avenue for conti protect and sted for the dialogue among P Likewise,fproblems and gets organized to protect and stand for their life and rights
The Basic Ecclesial Commentitions on and a solid starting poin the charchon patron vilization of love (Blessed John Paul 11. Redemptoris Missio, Art 51
Urnally emerging at the grass roots among poor farmers and workers, Falls munities consciously strict catechests Poverty and their datt Ecclesid Coded and encouraged by regular catechun foroverty and their faith They are bers towards solidarity with one another action for justice, and toward v celebration of life in the liturgy (PCP II, Concillar Document, par. 139).
5. BEC is a community led and managed by the laity inspired by the priests.
The laity should be mobilized to participate in the task of evangelization and upon Basic Ecclesial Communities as a means of evangelization" (PCP II Decree 112, No. 1).
6. BEC is part of the vision of the Vatican Council II (1962-1965) for the renewal of the by emphasizing its social mission, affirmed the importance of the laity and developed le of the Church as "People of God."
"Our vision of Church as communion, participation, mission, about the ch priestly, prophetic and kingly people and a church of the poor-church that today finding expression in one ecclesial movement. This is the movemen Basic Ecclesial Communities" (PCP II Acts and Decrees, No. 137).
7. BEC is a community of Believers at the grassroots level who meets regularly under th of a Lay Minister to express their faith in common worship, to discern on their of the faith, and to plan and act on common decision regarding their life of fa as community. (Francisco F. Claver, SJ "The Making of a Local Church