The core message of the Second Vatican Council and the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines is that the Church is
communio. In the Archdiocese of Lingayen Dagupan, we have adopted c
ommunio, which is
PANANABANGANin Pangasinan, as our nature, our mission and our vision. Without
communioour faith in God cannot be proclaimed; that same faith cannot be lived and our identity will be lost.
PANANABANGANis our spirituality--it is our way of knowing God, serving Him and being with Him.
Pananabanganis our way to God.
The month of November is Pananabangan Month in the Archdiocese of Lingayen Dagupan. Although Pananabangan is a yearlong and daily commitment, in November we highlight it, study it more and celebrate its beauty.
We shall have an ARCHDIOCESAN PANANABANGAN ASSEMBLY on November 10, Saturday, in the Parish Church of Saint Dominic in San Carlos City from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm. The parishes and Catholic schools are kindly advised to send their PananabanganTeam Membersand five youth leaders. This assembly will also be the occasion to launch the Year 2019 as Pananabangan na Kalengweranas part of the Decade of Communiofor the centennial year of the See of Lingayen in 2028. The CBCP will also observe 2019 as Year of the Youth. There will be no registration fees but the assembly participants are kindly requested to bring their food for sharing.
The parish priests, team ministry moderators and school directors are to set aside a date to observe a school or parish Pananabangan Daywithin the month of November. This local Pananabanganobservance can include a shortened renewal seminar on the values of stewardship and a reporting of the current status of the Pananabanganministry in the school or community. In the spirit of the Filipino fiesta, please have an agape within the parish or school Pananabangan Day.
The Credo of Stewardshipshould be prayed in all Masses from November 1 to 30after the Post Communion Prayer before the final blessing. A copy is enclosed.
There will be a SECOND Collection in all the Sunday Masses of November for the Archdiocesan ICTHUS Pastoral Fundwhich must be remitted to the Chancery before December 8, 2018. This fund is used to finance the pastoral programs of the archdiocese as well as the support of the financially challenged new parish communities.
You will receiveHOMILETIC Guidesfor all the Sundays of November in order to help our Catholic faithful renew their passion for Pananabangan.
I plead with you to renew your commitment to
Pananabanganis who we are.
Pananabangan is what the Church is. God is
Pananabanganof Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
Pananabanganis the cure to the social and ecclesial maladies of our age.
Set your heart on
Pananabangan. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Archbishop of Lingayen Dagupan