March 19, 2018
Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary
Circular 2018-6
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
In order to prepare the people of God more deeply and fittingly for the celebration of the centennial jubilee of the creation of the Diocese of Lingayen in the year 2028, we have declared a DECADE OF COMMUNIO for the Archdiocese of Lingayen Dagupan.
I was inspired to have a PILGRIM JUBILEE CROSS launched for our archdiocese. The pilgrim jubilee cross has a stone relic from the Upper Room where the first Eucharist was celebrated and where the Apostles received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem graciously accommodated our request for this unique relic. The Upper Room is closely linked to our Cathedral patron Saint John the Evangelist who rested his head on the chest of the Lord at the Last Supper (cfr. John 13:23).
The PILGRIM JUBILEE CROSS has ten icons embedded on the vertical and horizontal planks corresponding to the Communio themes that we have assigned for each year:
Jesus Gives Keys to Peter 2018 for Taoir na Pananisia
Jesus Accompanies the Disciples of Emmaus 2019 for Tabin
Jesus and Samaritan Woman by the Well 2020 for Pandurungo
Jesus at Last Supper 2021 for Dayew tan Pisasalamat
Jesus Meets Blessed Virgin after Resurrection 2022 for Panaabetan
Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers 2023 for Aro tan Panangasi
Jesus Washes the Apostles Feet 2024 for Panag-asikaso tan Panaglingkor
Jesus in the Manger 2025 for Panagpaabeba
Jesus Ascends to Heaven 2026 for Pasimbalo
Jesus at the Wedding in Cana 2027 for Sipanan
There will be Para-Liturgical Guide which may be used by the Catholic faithful when the pilgrim cross visits the schools, pastoral stations or parishes.
Here is the 2018 schedule of the pilgrim cross vicarial and school visitations:
April 2 to April 30 within the Vicariate of Saints Peter and Paul
May 1 to May 31 within the Vicariate of the Epiphany
June 1 to June 30 within the Vicariate of Saint Thomas Aquinas
July 1 to July 31 within the Vicariate of Saint Dominic
August 1 to August 31 within the Vicariate of Saint Vincent Ferrer
September 1 to September 30 within the ALDCS
October 1 for safekeeping at the Saint John the Evangelist Cathedral until the next pilgrimage season in 2019
The Vicars Forane and Superintendent of Schools will make the schedule of visits to the parishes or schools in coordination with the parish priests, school directors or pastoral directors for this year’s pilgrimage season.
When the pilgrim cross is brought to a parish, school or pastoral station:
1. The parish or school must organize a FESTIVE jubilee welcome procession of the pilgrim cross attended by a good number of the faithful;
2. The Eucharist is celebrated to welcome the pilgrim cross;
3. Parish organizations or campus ministry may venerate the cross by kissing or touching the cross;
4. The para-liturgical guide is used by the Catholic faithful assigned to take turns in praying before the cross.
5. The priests in the vicariate must be available for confessions at particular times while the pilgrim cross is present in the church or school.
I trust that you understand that pious devotions such as these are closest to the heart of our Catholic faithful. While some of us priests have a tendency to intellectualize our faith, the JUBILEE PILGRIM CROSS can be a focal point for raising awareness about the Church and fomenting devotion to the Lord and loyalty to the Church.
Let us encourage and inspire such pious devotions as avenues for new evangelization.
I advise the parish priests to discuss with the parish lay leaders and the school directors with the campus ministry, the activities that the community may hold while the JUBILEE PILGRIM CROSS is visiting the parish or school.
We dream of a community of Christ’s disciples called to Christian witnessing and mission living out the spirit of ICTHUS inspired by Mary Our Lady of Manaoag.
Sincerely yours,
Archbishop of Lingayen Dagupan